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My copy of Alexej Von Jawlensky "Girl with Red Ribbon", oil, 2024 (detail)
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Sun, 14 Feb 2021
Big Black Cow
# 15:58 in ./general

Last year was full of surprises and here's another one for me.

The band Steely Dan had never figured in my listening habits - ever - but over the course of 2020 I now know dozens off by heart. Well, almost, and in a particular order. I have the double album The Very Best of Steely Dan [discogs] and decided to listen to it every time I went out for a run during the various lockdowns. It's a double CD and there are a lot of songs on it. And after a few months of this it is easy to understand why some people love this music. Great songs. Back in the day, I would never have deigned to pick up something like an American "soft rock/jazz/funk" album. Now I am older and somewhat wiser.

Thu, 04 Feb 2021
Golden Fields
# 09:10 in ./general

Above: Golden Fields by Cheryl Culver, 50x91cm, pastel

I like this pastel painting by Cheryl Culver. It's part of the Mall Galleries Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2021. Lots of very good pastel and pencil works on show; too many to show.

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